Test Summary (Function Tests)
Test Summary (System Tests)
Test Conducted: Average Bandwidth Test (FT-1)
Validate that the system bandwidth while using camera and control system does not exceed the competition limits (ER-6).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Average Bandwidth Test (Results)
Validate that the system bandwidth while using camera and control system does not exceed the competition limits (ER-6).
- Turn on Camera and stream video
- Run stream on camera with Gstreamer
- Measure average bandwidth over 15 minutes using nload software
Expected Results:
- Pass if less than 5Mbps. Fail if exceed 5Mpbs.
Test Conducted: Average Bandwidth Test (Results)
- 1st Run ( High Resolution)960x720 at 30fps: 4.16 Mbps
- 2nd Run ( Low Resolution)960x720 at 30fps: 4.16 Mbps
- 3rd Run ( Mid Resolution)960x720 at 30fps: 4.16 Mbps
Test Conducted: Wireless Standard Compliance Test (FT-2)
Measure Network setup to verify the network is only on 802.11b, g, or n standards (ER-4).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Wireless Standard Compliance Test (Results)
Measure Network setup to verify the network is only on 802.11b, g, or n standards (ER-4).
- Measue wireless networking using netspot to verify correct SSID and channel as per competition guidelines.
- Change channel to alternate channel as per competition guidelines.
- Measure time it takes to change channels.
Expected Results:
- Pass if the network is on the correct channel and with the correct SSID and is able to change to the correct alternate channel within 15 minutes. Fail if the network is on other bands or takes longer than 15 minutes to update.
Test Conducted: Wireless Standard Compliance Test (Results)
- Verified network could switch channels between 1 and 11 within 15 minutes.
- Verified AP was on 802.11b, g, n standard.
- Verified Max spectral bandwidth as 20 MHz for all 2.4 GHz transmission equipment.
Test Conducted: Arena Bandwidth Test (FT-3)
Validate that the available wireless data rate in an area like the expected arena meets or exceeds our needs (ER-1).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Arena Bandwidth Test (Results)
Validate that the available wireless data rate in an area like the expected arena meets or exceeds our needs (ER-1).
- Mark area of open space to the size of the competition arena
- Place AP where it would be at competition, inside dust proof box to simulate competition arena conditions
- Measure data rate at closest and farthest corners of arena to verify line of sight data rates at extreme positions
- Average data over several runs
Expected Results:
- Network can sustain at least 5Mb/s at closest and farthest corners of the arena
Test Conducted: Arena Bandwidth Test (Results)
- Verified size of arena in backyard
- Verified sufficient bandwidth 5x for best-case location and worst-case location
- Close-Avg Down: 39.8 Mb/s, Avg Up: 39.9 Mb/s
- Worst- Avg Down: 26.3 Mb/s, Avg Up: 41.3 Mb/s
Test Conducted: Power Draw Test (FT-4)
Validate that the robot has enough onboard power storage to run for the duration of a competition run (ER-7).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Arena Bandwidth Test (Results)
Validate that the robot has enough onboard power storage to run for the duration of a competition run (ER-7).
- Energize steppers and spin brushed DC motors.
- Measure current flow via DC shunt resistance current sensor.
Expected Results:
- This is a measurement test intended to provide a consumption baseline.
Test Conducted: Arena Bandwidth Test (Results)
- 21 Watts
- Duration: 0.25 hours
- Watt Hours: 5.25
- Battery Capacity: 55.5 Wh
Test Conducted: Weight Test + Dimension Test (FT-5, 6)
Validate that the robot fits inside the physical constraints (Size, Weight) (ER-8).
Test Conducted: Weight Test + Dimension Test (Results)
Validate that the robot fits inside the physical constraints (Size, Weight) (ER-8).
- Use built robot
- Have two personnel step onto two individual scales and measure the weight on each scale
- Have two personnel hold robot on opposite ends and step onto scales again
- Measure the weight of both scales and take delta to find weight of robot
- Use built robot
- Measure Height, Width, Length with tape measure and compare
Test Conducted: Weight Test + Dimension Test (Results)
- Results: PASS
- Robot = 22kg
- Results: FAIL
- Robot is too tall.
- Linear actuators used are longer than specified in design due to supply chain issues and ordering complications.
- 590 mm Wide, 697 mm Tall, 930 mm Long.
- Exceeds height by 97mm
Test Conducted: Safety Quiz (FT-7)
Verify that each team member knows safety protocols when dealing with the robot and in competition at KSC. (ER-4)
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Safety Quiz(Results)
Verify that each team member knows safety protocols when dealing with the robot and in competition at KSC. (ER-4)
- Each team member will go over safety slides
- Take quiz after slides review
Expected Results:
- Each member passes quiz with a 75% or higher
Test Conducted: Safety Quiz(Results)
- Results: PASS
- All team members passed the safety quiz.
Test Conducted: Emergency Stop Test (FT-8)
Validate the robot is equipped with an emergency stop compliant with competition rules (ER-3)
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Emergency Stop Test (Results)
Validate the robot is equipped with an emergency stop compliant with competition rules (ER-3)
- Use built robot
- Validate an emergency stop is on the robot
- The button shall cut power from the main batteries
- The button shall be accessible on the outside of the robot
- The button shall be a standard red emergency stop button with a 40mm external button
Expected Results:
- The Robot will stop when button is pressed.
Test Conducted: Emergency Stop Test (Results)
- Results: PASS
Test Conducted: Network Control Test (ST-1)
Show that the drive motors will spin when issued network commands (ER-2).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Network Control Test (Results)
Show that the drive motors will spin when issued network commands (ER-2).
- User inputs forwards, backwards, left or right command
- Observe results
Expected Results:
- All four motors spin in correct directions when control commands are input. All forward for forward, all backward for reverse, and half forward and half backwards for left and right.
Test Conducted: Network Control Test (Results)
- Results: PASS
Test Conducted: Mining Test (ST-2)
Validate that the mining system is capable of mining 1kg of regolith for the competition (ER-1)
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Mining Test (Results)
Validate that the mining system is capable of mining 1kg of regolith for the competition (ER-1)
- Use built robot
- Place robot on sandy surface
- Run digging system to collect sand
- Run timer for 15 minutes
- Measure the amount of sand collected at the end of 15 minutes
Expected Results:
- Robot is able to meet or exceed 1 kg of sand mined
Test Conducted: Mining Test (Results)
- Results: IN PROGRESS
Test Conducted: Driving Test (ST-3)
Validate that the robot mobility system is capable of driving 7 meters in 90 seconds (ER-2).
Expected Results:
Test Conducted: Mining Test (Results)
Validate that the robot mobility system is capable of driving 7 meters in 90 seconds (ER-2).
- Use built robot
- Place a marker 7 meters from the robot
- Power on the robot
- Drive the robot to the marker
- Record the time taken
Expected Results:
- The robot shall cross the distance in the given time
Test Conducted: Mining Test (Results)
- Results: Robot was able to drive 7 meters in 90 seconds